Photo Gallery 

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Visit of the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academician M.V. Keldysh to the Helioрolygone in Tashkent, 1965

In 1967, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Ukrainian SSR celebration in Kiev, a delegation from Uzbekistan led by the leader of Uzbekistan, Sh.R. Rashidov, was in attendance

Professor George Oscar Löf (USA), visit Tashkent ,1966

With Nobel Prize laureate P.L. Kapitsa and academician S.A.Azimov in Tashkent

Nobel Prize laureate P.L. Kapitsa visits the Нeliopolygon in Tashkent

Academician S.V. Emelyanov is shown a demonstration of a solar kitchen, with G.Ya. Umarov's spouse, Nabira Kasymovna Shamsieva (1931-1976), in the background

President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academician B.E.Paton, President of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, academician U.A. Arifov visit the Heliopolygon

U.S. scientific delegation visited Tashkent in 1975 as part of the Solar Heating and Cooling Demonstration Act of 1974. The delegation was led by U.S. Senator Frank Moss and included officials from the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, and NASA. During their visit to Tashkent, they met with Soviet scientists and engineers to exchange information and ideas on solar energy technologies.

Visit of the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academician A.P.Alexandrov to the Helioрolygone in Tashkent, early 1980s

In 1975, G.Ya. Umarov demonstrated the principle of operation of the Solar Furnace at the Heliopolygon to Academician V.A. Kirillin, the Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR. The photo captures N.D. Khudayberdyev, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Uzbekistan, on the left and A.U. Salimov, the Secretary of the Central Committee, on the right.